Who Stole the Cookies from the Cookie Jar?

I am reminded of a time not too long ago. It was just a few months ago, my wonderful roommate had bought some cookies and almost instantly decided that I needed the sugar more than he did. I figured that I could leave them on the coffeetable overnight— since Rusty’s blind and he was sleeping.

Let me tell you just how wrong I am. This dog seems to have a sense for unattended food. Seriously. If there is unattended food ANYWHERE in the house- he will find it and dispose of it. He’s quick, clean and efficient. ((Why, just this evening he somehow magicked himself into my leftover Friday’s meal that I SWEAR made it into the fridge…but apparently not… little monster.)) He’ll not ONCE attempt the cat food if we’re awake to stop him..but the SECOND he’s left unattended? Gone. Lickity Split. BAM I’M AWAKE AND THERE’S FOOD FOR ME TO GET!

So I woke up in the middle of the night on the night of the cookie incident to see that not only had Rusty succeeded in getting two cookies- sprinkles were EVERYWHERE and lets not even get into the crumbs. Oh Lord the crumbs. Thankfully he hadn’t quite gotten into the full package yet— a blessing I think his stomach was applauding.

I managed to snatch this bad boy out of the couch...where he'd 'buried' it for later consumption ;)

I managed to snatch this bad boy out of the couch…where he’d ‘buried’ it for later consumption 😉

And let’s not forget the Nan bread incident of 2013. ((Don’t ask me HOW he managed to get a full plate of bread onto the couch with him…but he damn sure ate all of the evidence in 5 seconds flat…)) All I’m saying is that he’s a sorceror.



little brat...

little brat…

Hey- lady with the food- is there any more?

Hey- lady with the food- is there any more?