Which Way Did You Go?!

Having a blind dog in the house can be very rewarding- especially when it comes to play time. It takes a bit more effort to keep Rusty’s attention at playtime, but when he gets hooked- he’s hooked 😉

Take for instance the other day when he found the BEST NEW TOY EVER OMG. A sock. Now, normally I wouldn’t let dogs chew on my socks (I had a particularly nibbly chihuhua that would literally chew holes in EVERYTHING) but Rusty is pretty gentle and his attention span for playtime is soooooo short.

Rusty finds a new toy...

Rusty finds a new toy…

He found it (it had fallen out of the clothes hamper onto the bathroom floor) and he found it and held it up high as if to say “loookkkiiiittt whhhattt I founnnddd!” How was I NOT going to play with him?!

Funny thing happened- he forgot where I was and playbowed to the litter box 😉 Sometimes silly mixups like that can happen—but it never seems to phase him. He always corrects himself and continues on smiling until I play with him longer.



Heyyyy Waitaminute...THERE You are!

Heyyyy Waitaminute…THERE You are!




He truly is a funny little dog… ((just don’t tell HIM that…I think he’s starting to get an ego!))




Who’s that scary face?

I have never seen him make this face in my life O.O

I have never seen him make this face in my life O.O

This dog is so silly where toys are concerned, but generally speaking he gets bored with them quickly. I can understand that, though, because since he can’t see the toy, I imagine that’s one less reason why toys would be so interesting…since many dog toys have different visually stimulating aspects, I can see why that wouldn’t actually help a blind dog 😉

However, usually he tosses something around for a minute then walks away…but as I was snapping this photo, not only did he growl (like a werewolf!) but he made this face before flinging it around again! Both Ada and I were like O.O as you can imagine 😉


But of course then he smiles at me with this tiny little happy smile as if he knows that I am taking his photo. It was almost as if he was saying “FOR MMMEEEEE????”


Its almost like seeing a child on Christmas! He was so happy to get it!











So happy 🙂


Let the spoiling begin…

Ohhh lord. The first 72 hours of Rusty being home, I was in panic mode. What in bloody blazes was I going to do with a BLIND and DEAF dog? For the last 2+ years I had lived around 2 cats that required little to no attention (unless THEY WANTED YOU), 3 rats that honestly preferred to be left alone, a roommate who lived in his cave, and my girlfriend, who again is pretty much a cat-type personality… I didn’t remember what having a needy animal in the house was like. ESPECIALLY one that required most (if not all) of my attention.

That first day that I had him home I went up to the nearby Target and bought him two different types of treats AND at LEAST three toys…thankfully all of those things were relatively inexpensive, so I was able to get a few things for the boy 🙂


Rusty with his small mountain of treasures

I went with the T-Rex toy, because seriously…what’s not to like about a little tiny T-Rex toy? He also got a blue chewy bone 🙂 ((To this day I’m not sure which of his many couch hiding places that poor T-Rex is in… one of these days i’ll re-pluck it out of the couch just to have to go diving for it later)).


I love his profile pictures…it looks like he’s about to receive an award 😉

He wasn’t as excited about the chewy bone as I would’ve hoped ((he nudges it with his nose as if to say “….Hey…what…what the junk…What the junk did this lady give me NOW?”)), but he adores anything squishy, which is great 😉
